Beyond Infinity Show Notes 17/11/15


Uterus Transplants May Soon Help Some Infertile Women in the U.S. Become Pregnant

Mysterious Symbols

Mysterious Symbols in Kazakhstan: How Old Are They, Really?
These Ancient Geoglyphs Can Be Seen From Space

New Horizons

Two of Pluto’s mountains, informally named Wright Mons and Piccard Mons, could possibly be ice volcanoes

Apple TV

Apple Opens App Submissions For tvOS As Apple TV Launch Looms
An in Depth Review of Apple TV


Study Finds Quitting Facebook Makes You Happier and Less Stressed


Tim Cook warns UK government against weakening encryption


Tesla Now Faces a Billionaire-Backed Competitor Staffed by Its Former Engineers

Nexus 6P & Telstra 4G

Nexus 6P on Telstra; a temporary fix for 4G data issues

Virtual reality

Virtual reality just got real: New tech lets users feel VR